Ole Post Semiconductor Engineering

support and help to


Experienced, independent and reliable consultation for your

FCBGA and Assembly projects

From simple information via mutual concept development to supply chain arrangement.

Simple information

Feel free to ask any question. Everyone of us started with an idea or a dream. Knowledge grows when shared. Let's be part of growth and sharing.

Concept development

There is already a technical vision behind your idea? For taking the next step, and you only desire an experienced buddy on your side. We discuss and explain possible first mistakes and avoid them. Engineer the technical concept to contact suppliers.

Supply chain organization

With a technical FCBGA concept developed, time has come to materialize it. Find FCBGA manufacturer and a suitable assembly house for the prototype run. Maybe a second run. And getting ready for a volume production.

Please just send me an e-mail with some project details to get started - I am looking forward to a first talk


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